By Jasmine Willis
DANSVILLE — The Dansville Area Historical Society is requesting more historic items from 1940s to present that depict the local area.
The board of directors are reaching out to the businesses, organizations, schools, and churches to share any donated items that showcase 1940s to present time.
It has been discovered that most of the donations at the museum are from an early time period.
The history museum will be closed for renovations in March. After that time they wish to see more items brought in. Renovations are being done on the walls and exhibit areas.
“We’re undergoing some interior wall repair and updating exhibit areas,” Nancy Helfrich, treasurer said. “We’re lacking items that depict Dansville in the 1940s right up to today. We would like to add more to our collections.”
Items of interest include photos, souvenirs, and historically valued items from schools, churches, businesses, events, festivals, streets, homes, and downtown showing these time periods.
They would also like to see more of Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, Women Civics Club, Beta Sigma Phi, Lionesses, American Red Cross, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Any promotional materials, photos, invoices, and other items from all local businesses. Any souvenirs and photos from local sports like school teams, Little League, Gliders, Sunshine Baseball, and summer programs. They also would like items from the local parks: Stony Brook, Babcock and neighboring parks in the area.
The historical society needs Dansville Central Yearbooks (Danuas) from 2011 and 2015 to present time.
If you or anyone you know has any of these items from 1940 to present time contact the Dansville Area Historical Society at 585-335-8090 or dansvilleareahistoricalsociety@gmail.com You can visit the first and third Saturdays of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is located at 14 Church Street in Dansville. The month of March will be closed for renovations.