By Karie Frisiras
Dansville Strong President
DANSVILLE - Dansville Strong, Inc. is a community based organization, focused on providing activities for the youth in our community to help prevent tragedies from happening and assisting families in need when tragedies do happen. More recently, we have started partnering with local organizations to help them raise funds in times of need. Since coming out of the pandemic shut-down, here are a few of our notables: On Sept. 5 we held our first ever Chicken BBQ fundraiser. The money earned will be used to assist families in need. On Sept. 6 Together with K's Canine and Mudd-n-Mutt's, we hosted a dog wash and nail trim with all proceeds going towards the Dansville Community Center's (DCC) roof fund. The DCC provides free space for many school athletic teams & clubs for their meetings & annual banquets and also for non-for-profit local organizations. They recently had to put a very expensive roof on the building and are appreciative of any donations. We recently had the opportunity to move our "Fairy Godmother" collection of donated formalwear into the Your Centers free store on Main Street. Tina Markle offered to designate an entire room of the community free store to dress clothes. Anyone in our community can go to the store now to "shop" for both girls and guys fashions. There is everything from dress pants and shoes on up to formal, floor length gowns. If you have a chorus concert, a wedding to attend or a prom-this is the place to go! Located at 152 Main Street, Dansville. Donations are always being accepted. On Oct. 31 Dansville Strong along with the Dansville Community Center are hosting our annual Trunk-or-Treat at 49 West Ave. We have around a dozen cars pre registered. Last year we had approx. 150 trick or treaters come through. Trunk or Treat event held in conjunction with the Dansville Community Center: we had 12 vehicles participate in the Trunk portion and approximately 125 Treaters. We awarded gift certificates for local restaurants to the top three decorated trunks. Winter in the Village: we plan to host a BBQ pulled pork fundraiser during Winter in the Village. We'll have pulled pork sliders available for people wanting something lighter and full dinners available for takeout. The proceeds from this will benefit the Your Centers free store. The free store provides free clothing, household supplies, baby equipment, toys, school supplies, winter outerwear, bedding and food to anyone in need. There are no income guidelines. The store is run solely on donations. If anyone in our community experiences a tragedy and would like to reach out to us, our number is 585-857-9191.