By Jasmine Willis
The highly anticipated sequel to Algorithm called “Algorithm Decode” dives deeper into the wells of the human mind. It is an edgy drama that addresses mental health in a way that is relatable to anyone who has ever suffered it’s nasty consequences.
We get reacquainted with our beloved characters from the award-winning miniseries Algorithm. As well as meet fresh new faces along this journey. It peels back the layers with each episode taking us into the depths of everyone’s tragedies.

A stellar cast shines light on all of our struggles; Asheesh Williams (Brenden), Robin Jordan (Amani), Michelle Lupisan (Mercy), Andre Calder (Cameron), Afina Madoian (Gia), and Jenina Moreno (Claudia). This powerful cast of characters each plays a significant role that is approachable to the everyday decisions and choices we all encounter. How do we tell someone we love them without fear of rejection? How do we address generational wounds? How do we talk about mental health struggles? How do we face ourselves when the walls come tumbling down?
We are invested in the future of these characters. Mercy finally starts to unravel the mystery of her own life. Cameron shows how powerful love can really be when you refuse to let go. Brenden bears his soul to the most unlikely of people. Gia starts to believe in herself and let someone in. Amani tries to find redemption for herself and her family. In this respect each role plays out a piece of all us. We all just want answers, love, acceptance, trust, redemption and forgiveness.

Anyone who has ever fought the battle in their own minds will appreciate it played out in the powerful and creative way of “Algorithm Decode.” A miniseries that opens up a discussion we shouldn’t be afraid to have. We should no longer feel the silent struggle in our own minds.
“Algorithm Decode” gives an authentic and unique take on this topic from writers Asheesh Williams and Terrell Lamont. It is masterfully directed by the writing duo. Let each episode take you into unlocking the codes behind the algorithms nasty secrets and lies. Will our characters figure out their own path? Can they face what each has done? Will they survive the truth?

“Algorithm Decode” will leave audiences asking questions about their own personal experiences. It will force you to take a look into your own hidden meanings. You will find yourself wondering until the very end who is the villain and who is the savior. Maybe we are all just a little bit of both.
Start the journey with the first episode of season 2 here ...