By Wayland Fire Chief Danny Dean
The Wayland Fire Department would like to extend a heart felt thank you to the entire community of Wayland, and the surrounding communities for the efforts to support the first responders on Feb 22 during the fire on Main Street.
It is because of people like you that make small town USA a great place to live. Neighbors helping neighbors in a time of need is a special act of kindness that not everyone is afforded, but we surely are, and we live by that motto around here.
The outpouring of support for not only the first responders but the families and businesses affected by this tragedy was not only immediate but it was coordinated so smoothly and without anyone asking for help, but rather how can I help, even those directly affected.
We would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their helping hand, donation of food or drinks or kind words of support. Cindy Berry, Renee Coley, Melanie Coley, Cora and Dick Saxton, Alex Uhl, Robbin Oxx, Wendy Fairbrother, Jessica Roper, Cari Furia, April Burdick, Beth Middleton, Sara and Bryce Ludlow, Betty and Andy Blackham, Sara Goodwin, Dave and Jade Cotter, Christi and Dave Johnson, Amy Drum, John Rachow, Frank Hoffman Jr., Dan Dengler Photography, Wayland Food Mart, Wayland American Legion Post #402, Gunlocke Co., M & L Bakery and Cakes, Smitty’s Pop and Hop Shop, Boy Scout Troop #35 and #135, Wayland Methodist Church, Shannon Logsdon and Shannon’s Family Barber Team, Dansville Tops, WCCS students and staff, Savannah Rawleigh & Family. We are sure there may be more that were not relayed to us and if we missed you please know that we thank you all sincerely for your efforts.
We also need to thank all of the first responders that either assisted at the scene or stood by to protect our towns as we all worked this fire. Atlanta Fire Department, Bath Fire Department, Cohocton Fire Department, Dansville Fire Department, Hammondsport Fire Department, Hornell City Fire Department, Livonia Fire Department, Naples Fire Department, Perkinsville Fire Department, Sparta Fire Department, Springwater Fire Department, AMR ALS-103, CVAS Ambulance, Spring-Way Ambulance, Wayland Village PD, Wayland Village Street and Water, Steuben County Sherriff’s Office, New York State Police, Steuben County Emergency Services and 911 Center, Livingston County Emergency Services.
It is because of all of your tireless efforts and working cohesively as a team that this fire was eliminated. Even though there was a great loss of personal property, buildings, business’s and history from Main Street, there was no loss of human life and all members of our departments went home safely, which is a WIN in our book.
Lastly, we need to thank the Village of Wayland Mayor Mike Parks and his team of Trustees for making the difficult decision three years ago to replace the old and antiquated water system in the Village. The old system would have almost certainly failed in time of need and this fire would have went from offensive to defensive with much more devastation than was seen. Thank you, Wayland Village Board.
Again, we want to thank anyone who may have had a hand in the events that took place. No matter how big or small, know that we appreciated it all.